Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Just when I think I'm prepared...

Now that it is almost a week until I leave for Madrid, I am shocked at how much I have left to do before I am on that plane on Saturday... Finals have grossly blinded me from the realities of pre-departure preparation:

1) I only own 4 pairs of socks... where'd they all go?
2) I own and wear a lot of tshirts... which are not "cool" Madrid fashion
3) Why do I own all this crap? Now I have to find a place to put it all!
4) I have 4 books to read before that plane lands
5) I really don't understand the vosotros form... this is not good
6) I'm really going to miss having my computer
7) The Euro exchange rate blows
8) I'm going to miss long, hot showers
9) I need more housewarming gifts
and most frighteningly.......
10) I'm saying goodbye to most people until January 2008...whoa

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