Sunday, September 9, 2007

I could tell you about...

I could tell you more about the interesting foods I'm eating. I could tell you about my Arabic lessons some more. And I could talk to you about how I like my host family. But I'd rather tell you about something else. Something... a bit more comical.

It began when I turned around from the water cooler in the kitchen. Now, let me remind you, I've seen some strange stuff- traveling with Sister Cities- and living in Texas gives me some credit. But the next thing I saw when I turned around to face the inside of the kitchen.. was not my mother peeling the bananas for a dish she was making. Nor was it my sister serving up a plate for her niece. Nooo, noo... What I saw was a head... of a lamb... in a bucket... of the rest of the lamb... staring at me... hairless...

If anything could be labeled a culture shock... that was the moment. I'm pretty sure I stood there with my mouth wide open for a good minute or so. As my father kept throwing more pieces- but I was fixated.. a whole head... I mean, I'm talking eyes and teeth and tongue and all... in a huge bucket.. on the floor... in Oman.

But I couldnt just ignore the fact that a lamb head was there... especially when my father continued to discuss with the maid how to best remove the teeth and cook the whole thing.. I finally got the gumption to tell them I've never seen something like that before, especially just laying in front of me. They laughed that little laugh that people use when they know you are so naiive and told me that my mother cooks meals for the ministers that are then delivered for their big dinners (apparently I have the best biryani rice maker as my host mom!) and the lamb was for them. But all I could seriously think, was THANK god. I do not have to eat that thing, nor do I have to talk my way around Not eating it.


Anonymous said...

OH my!!! GM

Anonymous said...

AHHHH haha! That is shockingly hilarious! I can only imagine the look on your face haha! I'm sure that you will never eat lamb again...and it will be damn hard to eat meat again, too. I wish I was there to witness that moment...I sent you a text back btw! Who cares how much it'll just have to repay me in...we'll get to that later! LOVE YOU!


Anonymous said...

"What are we having for dinner tonight, Mummy?" -Chelsea

"Why...we are roasting lamb head tonight, my dear." -Momma

Then we will have lamb brains for dessert." -Momma

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Delicious!" -Chelsea (contorted look on her face)

-you know I love you haha!xoxo

Love Liz