Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mixin it Up- A Journey through Qatar, the UAE, and more of Oman

Going a little backwards... here are some photos from an Omani wedding, Dubai, and Doha:
Since the wedding party is a "women-only" affair (meaning they let loose and dont veil) this is the only picture I can really put up from the wedding. It was a HUGE deal. Hundreds of women dancing, eating, and celebrating. This is the stage where the bride enters... followed by the groom after all her pictures are taken.. and they are presented here.

I'm all dressed up for the wedding!

Our last night, we ventured into Madinat Jumeira... swank-ville. Taking loads of pictures, somehow talking ourselves onto a boat ride (which is exclusive to hotel guests only), and dancing in a Morrocan club made the night sparkly, tranquil, and magical.

At the Jumeira Public Beach. The water was so clear with a little view of iconic Dubai. Now if only all the Europeans would get out of the picture.

Just part of Dubai.. buildings with nothing in them yet, but still pretty buildings!

The gold souk in Dubai was quite an experience. The glamour, the random excessiveness, and everything you want if you have the money.... what I imagine Vegas is like. To make our experience RICHER than buying gold (okay, its an excuse to make us feel better) we talked to the shop keepers; we met people from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and India. Now, thats what I call an international experience.

At Ski Dubai in the Mall of the Emirates. I once thought mall culture was an American thing. Man, I was wrong.

Doha: The Unfinished City. Or so we dubbed it. Nothing was done in this place... construction, construction, construction. But apparently its to be the next big thing, aka Dubai II.

Well, despite its obvious cute factor.. these baby camels from Doha have a story. Our group was taken around Doha, seeing what we could of things since everything is in the process of being built. Our stop at the camel souk (another, yes) turned out to be quite the tale... two words: camel milk. Never thought I'd try it... but we got a steaming, foamy bowl of it for us all to try. Ignoring all warnings, and trying to blot out the possible consequences from drinking milk straight from a strange camel--- oh, yea, we watched him milk the camel--- we tried to gulp as much of it as we could as not to be rude. Not that it was bad, it was just a lot of milk. But definitely love the stories that always occur around camels!

At Education City in Doha. Education City is a massive complex the royal family set up where they bring in the best universities to set up campuses. Saw Georgetown University: Qatar Campus in this building!

Sadly the station does not have a gift shop with tshirts. Because I would buy them out.

Al-Jazeera English. The barely 1 year-old station thats from Doha, Qatar. We toured the facilities, Arabic and Enlgish stations, and even were able to speak to the reporter of "Inside Iraq." Was fun for all to see the set since we've been watching the show all semester. And interesting to see the perspective of Al-Jazeera since its virtually unavailable in the US

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks nice longer. You get more beautiful every day. You were very brave to drink the camel milk. Fort Worth will seem very dull when you get home, Do have a safe trip. Love, GM