Sunday, November 4, 2007

More Developments

Well, I've returned from Nizwa, and had a few days to do laundry and settle in Muscat. Coming back was difficult... the change in lifestyle and trying to get back into the original flow. The contrast between rural and metropolitan is so apparent. But, I have talked to my host family in Nizwa, and I am going to return for a week to stay with them and do some work for my independent project. (Which is rapidly approaching, eeeek!)

And now, I am in Doha, Qatar. The change is already such a culture shock. For the first time in 2 months, I've seen a skyscraper. And I don't have to cover... though we are all finding ourselves more comfortable if we do. Seeing tourists along side locals is quite a trip, but that is shocking in Oman too. I am able to walk down the busy street from the hotel to the internet cafe alone... something I definitely could not do in Nizwa, and is always a little awkward in Muscat.

Tomorrow we are going to Al-Jazeera to see a component of media in the Middle East... I cannot wait- what a special opportunity!

In shaa allah, in a week I will update you all on the trips planned for this week- more of Doha, Abu Dhabi, and the famed Dubai! The experiences SIT is providing is outstanding and the personal encounters I'm blessed to have are far beyond what I was anticipating. I already know that coming home will be a little stressful... the changes.. the misconceptions... the realization of things I learned and am learning here.... I already know this has changed many aspects of how I think about.... well... everything.

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